Exciting Premiere: Perodua's Latest EV to Take Center Stage at Malaysia Auto Show 2024

The Malaysia Autoshow 2024 is just around the corner, and Perodua, a local car manufacturer, has teased an image hinting at what they'll showcase. The teaser image suggests the possibility of a fully-electric Perodua Myvi, although it's important not to jump to conclusions just yet. Alongside the potential "EV Myvi," the teaser also hints at updates to the Perodua Aruz.
While initially seeming to suggest a hybrid powertrain, a closer examination reveals that the drive layout in the image is simply a stock representation of a fully electric drivetrain. Details such as the battery pack positioned on the car's floor and what appears to be an inverter at the front end are evident upon closer inspection. Additionally, the superimposed stock image includes the car's suspension system, although it doesn't offer significant insights into the new drive system.

Regarding the "base vehicle" featured in the superimposed EV drive system stock image, it seems to be the well-loved Perodua Myvi. Should an "EV Myvi" indeed be unveiled at the 2024 Malaysia Autoshow, it's something we're eagerly anticipating.

Given that the image is superimposed with a stock image, there's a possibility that Perodua might exclusively reveal its new hybrid powertrain. After all, the company has intentions to introduce a hybrid model, and this could serve as our initial glimpse of the drive system. However, we must acknowledge that the idea of an "EV Myvi" is considerably more enticing.

In addition to the EV teaser, Perodua is hinting at something fresh for its Perodua Aruz. Obscured in the teaser image, we speculate that the Perodua Aruz might receive a new exterior color option. However, these are just our assumptions for now. We eagerly anticipate what Perodua will unveil at the Malaysia Autoshow 2024, hoping it won't be another 1:6 scale model.


14 May 2024